Women’s Ministries
Our Members
Each confirmed woman member of Blessed Savior Lutheran Church is a member of Women’s Ministries. Our Women’s Ministries is also a member of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML).
Our Mission
To assist each woman of the congregation in affirming her personal relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of her church, her community and her world.
Our Calendar
Groups and Events
You are welcome to join any of our many groups and events.

Bake Sale
Just before Christmas, we get together and bake cookies, along with other sweet treats to raise money for annual mission grants. A Bake Sale is setup in the fellowship hall where we sell these wonderful treats.

Bereavement Committee
This group of caring individuals assist families serve and cater funeral luncheons in our church fellowship hall.

Bible Study
Several Bible studies are offered for our Women at Blessed Savior, some in member homes and a few at church. Of course you are invited to attend any Bible Study.

Book Club
If you love to read, you should check out this group. They get together once a month at local area restaurants to discuss the book(s) they selected to read while enjoying a light meal.

Christmas by Candlelight
Join us for this traditional event, held the first week of December. Be sure to get your tickets early as this sells out each year!

Craft Sale
Once a year the members display and sell a varied of craft items. You can find beautiful quilted, knitted items, a variety of handmade cards or gifts and wonderful handmade St. Nick stocking stuffers.

Diana's Angels
Each year our women provide baby gowns, blankets and booties to local area hospitals. These hospitals provide these care kits to grieving families who suffered the loss of a newborn baby.

Each week a group of experienced and beginners get together at church to make these beautiful quilts that are shipped around the world to offer some warmth, hope and love to those in need.

Salad Supper
A sure sign of the arrival of spring is our annual Salad Supper event. Members bring salads and other dishes to share, and a lively evening with entertainment is enjoyed by ladies of all ages.